
Equiton Apartment Fund


The Equiton Apartment Fund specializes in acquiring underperforming and undervalued multi-residential properties and select new developments in Canada and increasing value through active management. Investors in the Fund receive the yield from rental income and participate in the growth of the underlying properties.

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Equiton Apartment Fund
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Core Plus

Risk Profile

Low - Moderate

Minimum Investment


Average Annual Return


Investment Increments

$11.93 per share

Investment Term


Total Offering

$866M AUM as of June 2023

Gain Exposure to the Private Canadian Apartment Market

Private Canadian Apartments’ average returns outperform most otherreal estate categories and most public investments with limited volatility.

Registered Fund Eligible

Invest through your RRSP, TFSA, RESP, LIRA, or RRIF account.

Equiton Apartment Fund
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